Your Community

Your Schools

Your Economy

Your Chance to Inspire Students

The next generation of Waco ISD needs your help to be successful.

Inspiracíon will be working with the families of Alta Vista Elementary, 1 of the 5 under performing schools in Waco ISD.

The non-profit focuses on empowering at-risk Latino families to break the cycle of poverty by fostering parenting knowledge and skills that directly impact children’s development.

Serving Alta Vista will enable our ability to be most impactful. Sixty children ages 0-4 and their parents will attend 2 sessions a week in our room.

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How To Be Involved

Make checks payable to Waco Foundation and write Inspiracion in the memo line.

Mail to: Inspiracion P.O. Box 5754, Waco, TX 76708

Served During the 2021-22 School Year


The Breakdown

$10,000 - $20,000 towards the salary for the Program Specialist & Parent Educator

$5,000 - $9,999 towards training for employees

$1,000 - $4,999 towards parent curriculum and educational materials

$250 - $999 towards supplies, books, and materials for the Inspiracion classroom

Tracking success through 3rd grade

3 curriculums

$50,000 will allow us to implement a home visitation program

Sponsor a Future